Altair RetroAltair RetroAltair Retro
+254 718788315
Altair RetroAltair RetroAltair Retro


At Altair Retro, we believe in the power of Saccos to build a brighter financial future for their members. Our innovative Sacco Management System equips Saccos with the tools they need to manage member accounts efficiently, streamline financial processes, and foster a collaborative environment.

Strengthen member engagement, boost financial security, and drive Sacco growth with our secure and feature-rich platform. Explore our features and discover how Altair Retro can empower your Sacco’s success.

Empowering Collective Success with Our Sacco System

This is a system that runs the Sacco, capturing all the operations and management. Its divided into the following sub-systems:

It operates from a centralized database making the integration seamless and easy saving time and money.
Its operations are online making it easy to work from anywhere.

It has but not limited to the following modules :

Registry & Credit Management

Manage member information, applications, and credit processes seamlessly.

Treasury & Teller Management

Optimize cash flow, manage transactions, and empower tellers with the tools they need.

Groups Management & Reports

Facilitate group formation, manage group activities, and generate insightful reports for informed decision-making.

Mobile/Agency & Portals

Provide convenient mobile and agency banking options, and empower members with self-service portals for easier account management.

Sub Systems

Optimize cash flow, manage transactions, and empower tellers with the tools they need.